Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eye diseases and disorders and vision problems. It includes a wide range of conditions, from refractive errors (short-sightedness and long-sightedness) to age-related conditions such as macular degeneration and more serious conditions such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. In the field of ophthalmology, there are a number of prevention and screening programmes designed to monitor such conditions.
It is therefore highly recommended to have regular eye tests, which are especially important for children and the elderly so that any vision problems can be identified at an early stage. If vision problems do occur, corrective treatment (using glasses or contact lenses or refractive surgery) is available. Refractive surgery uses lasers to permanently correct refractive errors. Technology is used in the field of ophthalmology to assist in eye surgery. For instance, robotic surgery allows for more precision during delicate surgical procedures, while advanced diagnostic techniques such as OCT (Optical coherence tomography) provide detailed images to assess the health of the retina.
Today, ophthalmology is an ever-evolving discipline, with treatments and technologies that continually improve the quality of care. A number of elements, such as prevention, regular check-ups and access to advanced surgical procedures, play an important role in maintaining good eye health.
Prevention, check-ups and access to technologically advanced surgical procedures are essential for long-term eye health.